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As a partner to the global milling, grain and bakery industries, Brabender offers individual and modular solutions for rheology and extrusion on a laboratory scale, suitable peripheral equipment and devices for special measuring tasks.


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About us

As a leading supplier, Brabender® develops, produces and distributes devices and equipment for testing material quality and physical properties in all areas of research, development and production - worldwide for the application focus Food & Feed and other areas.
Development and production are closely interlinked at Brabender. This enables the company, which was founded in 1923, to guarantee quality "Made in Germany". Because research, development and production of the end devices take place exclusively in Germany. At the company headquarters in Duisburg, customers have access to an application technology laboratory where they can also test the devices themselves or develop innovations together with the Brabender experts.

In August 2023, the international measurement technology specialist Anton Paar acquired the traditional German company Brabender and integrated it into the Anton Paar Group as Anton Paar TorqueTec GmbH.

Brabender offers customised solutions for rheology and extrusion on a laboratory scale:

Torque Rheometers and matching attachments, such as the FarinoGraph: The measuring device is the first and still the most widely used device for flour quality testing.
The Brabender three-phase system describes and examines the processes of bakery production (dough preparation, proofing, gelatinisation): The FarinoGraph measures the possible water absorption of the flour and the kneading properties of the dough. The Extensograph analyses the elongation properties of the dough and the Amylograph examines the gelatinisation properties of the starch in the flour.
Compact single / twin screw extruders with integrated drives
Extruder tools / screws
Viscometers, such as the ViscoQuick for investigating the viscosity of starch-containing, pasty and viscous masses
Special measuring devices, e.g. determination of moisture, density or oil absorption
Customers and interested parties receive comprehensive advice and support. In the application laboratory, they can test devices on site, also with their own sample material, or take part in training courses.