Product-Highlight iba 2023

Infrared technology in food processing

Why choose IR technology as an option and what is the difference compared to the more conventional ways? Infrared radiation has been applied in the food industry since the nineteen nineties, e.g. in the shape of electrically or gas-powered infrared ovens.

Infrared is suitable for many types of operations, from product surface processsing (e.g. browning, broiling, melting the top layer, etc.) to product core processing (cooking, thawing, drying, etc.) or for combining both.

The difference between the two types is that electrically-powered infrared ovens can reach much shorter wavelengths than their gas-powered equivalents. As a result, each type is more suitable for specific operations.

Electrical IR can provide significant advantages over conventional heating, including the lack of preheating or cooling down time, the reduced process time and the uniformity of the results which leads to fewer quality losses.

Infrabaker International is specialised in the development and production of infrared applications for the food processing industry.

With a worlwide coverage (through local partners and agents), Infrabaker International designs, builds and installs 100% electrical modular cooking lines at food processing companies from Finland to Australia.  

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