Use case iba 2023

Cooking at the speed of light!

Infrabaker® represents the total range of electrical infrared solutions for the food processing industry developed by Infrabaker International. Infrabakers can be used in all stages of food processing - cooking, baking, coloring, melting, ... - using electrical infrared technology.

The Infrabaker is designed to process a wide range of food products including meat, fish, meat substitutes, breads, baked goods, poultry, shellfish, vegetables, snacks, and convenience foods...

Infrabaker systems can be used for a wide range of applications: baking, browning, disinfecting, prebaking...  Depending on the application, Infrabaker offers top and bottom heating, which ensures that the right amount of energy is transferred into the product.

Applications include ciabatta, all kind of flat breads, cookies, pizza, filled dough snacks like sausage rolls, etc...

Infrabaker offers a wide range of equipment from R&D to stand alone to modular units that come in different widths and lengths.