Product-Highlight iba 2023

Elevating Panettone to Perfection: The Magic of Pater® Pasticceria

Panettone is a iconic Italian leavened cake, characterized by fluffy texture and rich flavors, which has become a staple during the holiday season. Now, imagine taking the Panettone experience to a whole new level with the secret ingredient - Pater® Pasticceria.

Pater® Pasticceria is a blend based on a unique formulation with live lactic ferments and enzymes.

It’s advantages in the production of Panettone and other large leavened cakes:

  • Unmatched Meltability, Chewability and Fragrance: one of the first things that sets Panettone made with Pater® Pasticceria apart is its extraordinary texture, ensuring that every bite is a sensory delight. Its fragrance as it bakes is really enchanting.
  • Enveloping Flavors and Aromatic Notes: Pater® Pasticceria introduces a dimension of flavor that is truly unique. Panettone will have enveloping flavors and aromatic notes that are typically associated with sourdough.
  • Taste: Panettone made with Pater® Pasticceria is more than just a leavened cake; it's a fascinating taste journey. The combination of traditional Panettone elements with the innovation of Pater® Pasticceria results in a unique taste.
  • Greater Freshness, for Longer: in the world of leavened cakes, freshness is a must. Pater® Pasticceria extends the shelf-life of your Panettone creations, ensuring that they stay fresh and delicious for longer. This is particularly valuable during the holiday season, when Panettone is shared and tasted over several days.

We invite you to experience the magic of Panettone made with Pater® Pasticceria at Pavilion B4, Booth 440.