Expertise iba 2023

the ATP green deal

As architects and engineers we have the responsibility to address environmental problems such as climate change and the consumption of global resources. Around 1/3 of the CO2 emissions that are harming the climate are caused by the built environment1. Our response to this is the ATP Green Deal.

Only a 2 to 3-fold increase in the speed at which we reduce CO2 emissions will enable us to meet the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% of 1990 levels by 2030 as set out in the EU Climate Protection Roadmap. Hence, the annual reduction of 1% achieved over the past 30 years must be increased to 2-3%².

The buildings of today, which we develop with our clients, can help us to meet these climate targets. Climate engineering enables us to optimize building performance from the very first design phase.

Integrated design is essential for sustainable buildings. This is the simultaneous and interdisciplinary integration of the creative contributions of all participants in the design process. At ATP, the integrated design process is optimally supported by Building Information Modeling (BIM); this is a prerequisite for lifecycle-oriented design.


We want to use new ways of thinking and acting to establish sustainable and climateneutral building as standard and to change the world for the better with our buildings.


Source: 2019 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction (

²Source: EEA greenhouse gas – data viewer – European Environment Agency (