Novelty iba 2023

Fully automated Factory

When it comes to automated bowl handling, we can proudly call ourselves a pioneer. The Robodough (AGV) is our newest innovation made together with our daughter company Scudo Solutions. Bowl handling solutions have never been cleaner and more productive.

With the Robodough-innovation we aim to manage the complexity of the production process, improving customers' flexibility and making them more reactive to market stress.

Fully automated Factory

The full dough handling process can be automated, thanks to our AGV. Our newest innovation picks up the empty bowls, brings them to the mixer, transports the dough to a resting position, counts the resting time, brings the dough to the lifter onto the sheeting line etc.

Why choose AGV over linear robots?

Our AGVs have far fewer electromechanical parts that need cleaning and maintenance.
So fewer parts also mean less wear and tear, resulting in less maintenance and ultimately less cost.

Because the full dough mixing area is open, mixers are available for cleaning while the production process is running and there is no need to shut down the whole system for inspection or maintenance. That minimizes downtime and significantly increases operational flexibility.

In short: The future is here!